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Post “How do I get the game?”

Thursday August 28, 2008

It’s probably the most common question this week. Everyone seems to know that the game is on pay-per-view, but beyond that it gets messy. Here’s our best attempt to clear things up.

If you live in Georgia:

Comcast Sports Southeast (CSS) controls the broadcast rights within the state of Georgia. The only way to order the game if you have an address in Georgia is to contact your local cable company. Comcast digital subscribers should be able to order the game right from your cable box. Even if you don’t have Comcast cable, it’s possible that your local cable company has partnered with Comcast for this game. The only way to be 100% sure is to call your cable company.

If you live outside of Georgia:

You can order the game as part of ESPN’s GamePlan package. Either buy the game or the season package for not much more.

Can I get the GamePlan package in Georgia?

No. This game is blacked out on the GamePlan package within the state of Georgia (see map below) because Comcast controls the rights within Georgia.

Coverage map for the season opener

I have DirectTV / Dish, and I live in Georgia. Am I screwed?

Pretty much. The only way to get the GamePlan package is to have an out-of-state address. Unless you can convince the dish company that you’re taking your dish “camping” at an out-of-state location, you’re SOL. Some have reported success with that method though – your local channels will change for the weekend as your address changes to some out-of-state campground, but you’d be able to order the game. If you want to jump through those hoops, that’s up to you.

What about a sports bar?

The only thing I can tell you is to call the bar of your choice. Because some bars use satellite only, they can’t order the game in Georgia. Those that get cable should be able to order the game. Again – calling is the only way to be 100% sure. Out-of-state bars should have the game if they get GamePlan (and if they’re worth a damn, why wouldn’t they?). Just call to make sure they’ll show the Dawgs instead of the local team.

There…clear as mud, right? If you know of any bars that definitely will be showing the game, drop the name in the comments. I know that the Derby in Atlanta is among those showing the game. TJ’s in Roswell also.

UPDATE: The AJC has a few additional metro area locations that will be showing the game.

14 Responses to '“How do I get the game?”'

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  • Just had lunch at Wild Wings downtown. They, as are most places downtown, are satelite customers so they won’t have the game.

    But, the Georgia Theatre is gonna show it. For anyone in Athens without tickets – that’s the only place I know of that’s gonna have the game on.

  • For UGA students living on campus, we received an email from housing that the have procured rights to show the game on Housing Cablevision Channel 28.

    I, as a grad student, was able to get tickets but hopefully this will ease the pain of students who can’t get into the game. At least they can get the feed for free.

  • That’s the stupidest f*#king thing I’ve ever heard of. If Comcast covered the whole state with cable I might understand. Living in a rural area where there is no Comcast I/we should not be penalized for that. I knew it was about $$$. Screw Comcast, I hope they die a slow and agonizing death.

  • Ally,

    Are you sure? I remember going to Ga Theater a few years ago when we had a game on PPV and they didn’t show the game. Did you talk to someone there? Let me know if you are definitely sure they’ll be showing the game and I’ll be there at 12:15 because I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get tix to the game.


  • Why have I always enjoyed your WebPages better than all others ?

    You always talk about what is important.

    You always research that which is relevant most.

    I really appeciate you. The other item which should be noted is that if you call Comcast today, Friday, and order it, then you save money over ordering it game day.

  • Red,

    I don’t know if you are JDL who visited my site, but in case you’re not I’ll be happy to confirm the information I gave here yesterday.

    Yes, the Georgia Theatre is gonna show the game on the big screen – no cover & over 21 only.

    I saw the advertisement outside the Theatre and its also on their website (www.georgiatheatre.com)

    Hope that helps! Go Dawgs!

  • Gnat’s Landing in Athens, will have the game.

  • See you at the Theater…what’s the deal with ESPN 360? The game is listed on http://www.espn360.com, but how do you access it on your computer?

  • Jimmy, if you have comcast as your isp, you can’t get 360 from what I understand.

    I thought the only way you could watch the game via espn was by buying the gameplan.

  • It seems to be the same with Charter…we tried to see some of the Tech game last night, and we got a “your provider doesn’t offer espn360…” message. It seems they want AT&T, Verizon FIOS, or Frontier.

  • That’s weird, cause I have Charter and I got it. It was crappy, frustrating, & constantly buffering, but I got it.

  • Figures. I don’t trust Charter any further than I can throw my cable modem. Maybe I’ll have better luck with Comcast at the new house.

  • Ditto. Charter sux, but I got a better deal with them.

    Congrats on the new house!

  • Just an FYI…I have Directv and saw on espn360, as well, that it would be on there, but this morning, it’s disappeared…so it appears Comcast has the controls. Well,I love to listen to Larry! But, what a bummer to not be able to view…