Since 1995 - Insightful commentary on the Georgia Bulldogs

Post If you say so…

Thursday December 31, 2015

The CFB semifinals are this evening, and if you’re undecided about your cheering interests, Georgia’s next coach has a suggestion:

“There’s nothing more that’s going to help me at the University of Georgia than winning a national title at the University of Alabama.”

I understand and respect Smart’s decision to stay on through the playoffs, but I can think of a few things off the top of my head besides a couple of Alabama wins that Georgia’s head coach could do which would be more beneficial to Georgia.

2 Responses to 'If you say so…'

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  • Yeah, that rationalization is bullshit. I respect the fact Smart wants to fulfill a commitment; I really do. But the, “Me coaching Alabama is the best thing for Georgia” is rationalization at its worst.

  • Dawgs need u now