Since 1995 - Insightful commentary on the Georgia Bulldogs

Post Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back

Monday June 21, 2010

I’ve been playing in the mountains for the past week, but I was glad to come home and see the return of two old mainstays on my reading list:

  • Most everyone has noted Doug’s triumphant return over at Hey Jenny Slater. We win because Doug’s back writing, but it’s even better news that the circumstances that forced him into radio silence in the first place are in the past.
  • I’d also like to welcome back Kanu’s Dodgy at Best. His topics are too varied to pigeonhole his site as just another Dawg blog, but how many takes on Grantham’s 3-4 can you read? This is an especially good time for Kanu to get it going again – if you have an interest in the “other” football, there aren’t many better reads among our own than he and Elkon.

It was big of these guys to recognize the vacuum left by my absence and start cranking again after so long. I hope they’ll keep it up – I might not have to post again until September.

One Response to 'Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back'

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  • Thanks man. It’s nice to be back.

    Not sure what form it takes, but I’m trying to get a few ducks in a row to where I can come back full speed and stronger than ever.

    Look for a DamnGoodDawg story soon on Russell Henley who I met at Pebble Beach on Saturday.

    Thanks man- keep on keeping on.