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Post Georgia’s name surfaces in Memphis SAT story

Wednesday June 3, 2009

The story of Robert Dozier is pretty well known among hardcore Georgia basketball fans. He signed with Georgia, was denied admission, and ended up at Memphis. It wasn’t exactly a secret that irregularities with Dozier’s SAT score were the source of his trouble getting into Georgia.

With the much higher-profile case of Derrick Rose’s alleged SAT cheating now all over the news, Dozier’s relatively dated and obscure story suddenly seems a lot more interesting and relevant.

3 Responses to 'Georgia’s name surfaces in Memphis SAT story'

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  • LOL, my heart nearly stopped when i saw your tweet from yesterday with the title: “Georgia name surfaces in Memphis SAT story.”

    So glad we’re on the good end of this story. I dream of the day when i’ll forget Jim Harrick & Co. ever landed in Athens.

  • Hah – sorry. Yes…it’s good to be in the news for having done the right thing for once. I’ll be impressed if the AJC can reprint this story without working in a Tony Cole angle.

  • AJ-C always has this anti-UGA bias. In fact, what the AJ-C has is a bias for Georgia Tech. AJ-C states repeatedly that Tech is the Home Town Team and therefore should be preferred.

    29,000 Tech alumni in AJ-C readership and over a third of a million UGA Alumni in AJ-C readership.