Since 1995 - Insightful commentary on the Georgia Bulldogs

Post Total starts missed: 5

Friday December 5, 2008

Alabama has done a lot of things well this year, and staying healthy is one of them. Chris Fowler reports

Health is another reason the Tide are one step from the BCS title game. Unlike the Gators, who have endured a steady rash of injuries, Alabama has been astoundingly healthy.

The Tide have lost only a handful of starters to injury, and for a maximum of two games apiece. Check out the numbers Alabama SID Jeff Purinton provided me:

Total starts missed: 5
NG Terrence Cody: 2 (Tennessee and Arkansas State)
OG Marlon Davis: 1 (Western Kentucky)
OT Andre Smith: 1 (Tulane)
WR Mike McCoy: 1 (Kentucky)

Meanwhile, Georgia will go into the bowl practices with 4 healthy linebackers (Curran, Dent, Dowtin, Ellerbe – 5 if you count former walk-on Benjamin Boyd). Half of Georgia’s scholarship linebackers are unavailable due to injury.

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