Since 1995 - Insightful commentary on the Georgia Bulldogs

Post Back to the well

Wednesday August 13, 2008

It’s becoming an annual tradition: the Bulldogs took some time out this morning to hit the Ramsey Center pool, and the 10-meter diving platform was once again the star of the show. Lifeguard Alexander Hope had the proper reaction.

“I was seriously terrified that Matthew Stafford was going to break his back … trying to do a back flip,” Hope said. “If one of those guys got hurt while I was guarding, I would never forgive myself. None of my friends would ever forgive me.”

Not just your friends, Alex. Count yourself lucky that the rumors of Rennie Curran and swimmer’s ear turned out to be nothing.

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Richt dives
Richt levitates. (Photo: Radi Nabulsi, UGASports.com)

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