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Post Afternoon tidbits

Wednesday July 30, 2008
  • We’ve mentioned that the Chapel Bell was sent off for repair during the offseason. It’ll be ready for the season opener, and Travis Fain of the Macon Telegraph has a feature on the work that’s gone into it. Bonus: “It might be a little more melodious.”
  • Season parking passes remain: If you want to have parking taken care of before you head to Athens, there are still spaces in the North Campus and Carlton St. (Coliseum) decks. A season pass is $120.
  • Mark Richt is all over ESPN radio this afternoon. One nugget – it sounds like the black jerseys are almost a certainty at some point during the year. My guess: Tennessee.

3 Responses to 'Afternoon tidbits'

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  • You think (re: Tenn & black jerseys)? I’m guessing Florida or GA Tech. Would being “too hot” with black on a real concern or just overblown?

  • Yeah…it’s the highest-profile home game. By mid-October, heat should be less of a concern especially for a CBS game. I know everyone is expecting something big for Florida which is why (just a gut feeling) I expect we do nothing at all but play ball all bidness-like.

    Alabama’s a possibility too, and it would be a later kickoff (ESPN).

  • Oh I definitely think there is gonna be a blackout for UT. We have to get the monkey off our backs this year.

    No Cut + Black Jerseys = Win