Since 1995 - Insightful commentary on the Georgia Bulldogs

Post I’m really starting to like this guy

Thursday July 24, 2008

Yes, it’s all QB, all the time here this week.

Aaron Murray isn’t just tearing up the national camps on the field, he’s even mastered the electronic version of the game. Murray won the highly-competitive EA SPORTS NCAA 2009 videogame tournament, and he had to knock off a future teammate to do it.

Mettenberger’s status as a favorite was short-lived, however, as his similarly Georgia-bound roommate Aaron Murray scored a huge upset in the first round, knocking off his confident confidante 27-24. It was the start of just another winning effort for Murray, who took eventually took home the NCAA 09 title with three more victories, just four days after leading his Tampa Plant team to victory in the NIKE 7ON championship in Portland, Oregon.

Best part: Murray, playing with the Georgia team, beat Richard Brehaut’s Florida squad in the championship round.

Aaron Murray winning

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