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Post Wookin’ pa nub…

Monday July 7, 2008

This is almost too pathetic to ridicule.

** Edit: As seen on TV! FOX5 News Atlanta ** I’m a 20 yearold GA Tech student who has never kissed. I have been going out with a girl online for the last 5 years and she’s finally coming down to see me on the 11th. She tells me it’s a big turn-off if a guy doesn’t know how to kiss, and she even dumped her last boyfriend because of this. I want to make a good first impression, but I’ve never kissed before! Please, I need a girl to practice kissing with, nothing else!! Just kissing lesson

Some have asked if I have terrible oral hygiene or something of that sort, so I included a picture of me showing my teeth!

Please help,
Never been kissed

I really hope it’s a hoax, but several people saw this on the news last night. Just damn.

UPDATE: Here’s more from FOX 5 Atlanta including video. The last sentence from this article is just unfortunate.

One Response to 'Wookin’ pa nub…'

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  • Good Lord. I heard about this last week and, like you, thought it was a hoax. But its now running on fox news (national) now. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.