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Post Not just a river in Egypt

Wednesday January 2, 2008

Hawaii offensive line coach Dennis McKnight:

We didn’t block them. We didn’t execute. They’re no faster than guys we’ve played. Everybody has speed. We just didn’t do our job. We didn’t protect early. We didn’t play good at all on the offensive line. It’s that simple. We’re not trying to sugar coat it.

The standout quarterback who showed plenty of guts in the face of that pressure disagreed:

It was the hardest, fastest team I’ve ever seen.

One Response to 'Not just a river in Egypt'

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  • That right there is a coach who knows he just got flat-out embarassed on national TV. That was the worst OL play I’ve seen all season.

    Even his boss disagrees with him. Jones said our defensive speed compared favorably with that of the 2005 USC team they faced.