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Post Dooley facing cancer, prognosis “excellent”

Thursday May 31, 2007

Former head football coach and athletic director Vince Dooley had a procedure last week to remove a mass – originally thought to be benign – from his vocal cords. Things became much more serious this week when the tumor was found to be malignant, but they seem optimistic. Dooley himself has fought years of coronary issues, and his wife has battled breast cancer. We hope that Vince comes through this most recent health issue as well as he has the others.

From UGA:

Athens, Ga. — Former University of Georgia Director of Athletics and head football coach Vince Dooley underwent outpatient surgery to remove a tumor from his vocal chords on Tuesday, May 22.
Lab reports this week indicated the tumor was malignant, and he will begin radiation treatments some time in June. Dooley’s prognosis for a full recovery is excellent according to his tending physician.

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