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Post Prayers with Rodney Orr of Tider Insider

Thursday March 8, 2007

Most SEC fans who know their way around a keyboard have heard of Rodney Orr’s Tider Insider site.

In the past day, Rodney has experienced an unthinkable tragedy: “First, his son-in-law, Jeff Watkins, was killed in a motorcycle accident in Tuscaloosa. Rodney asked that you keep Jeff and his family in your prayers. Second, Rodney’s wife Andrea was notified of the accident and while returning to Tuscaloosa from Birmingham was killed in an accident on 20/59.”

He lost his son-in-law and wife in the same day. I have never met him, and I’m numb reading that. Condolences pour in from the community here.

Once you get past the trolls and the petty squabbles, the one thing about these long-running message boards (aside from borderline-clinical devotion to a team) is the sense of community that develops. Though we’d all rather things like this never happen in the first place, hopefully Rodney can draw some strength from that tight TI community to which he has given so much. The response and outpouring of support today shows how much he and his site have meant to so many people in the Crimson Tide world.

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