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Post Richt “overrated”

Saturday March 12, 2005

CFN came out with a piece this week that, among other things, had Richt as the SEC’s most “overrated coach”.

That might ruffle some feathers until you realize that they pretty much only had two coaches from which to choose.

These are new or new enough to get a pass:

Croom – and we know he won’t be criticized for a while
Spurrier might be included here too…he has a reputation but has done nothing at SC yet except thin the herd

These are insignificant or doing poorly enough to ensure that they are of in no danger whatsoever of being overrated:

Shula – still getting a pass for probation

That leaves us with only four guys who have been around long enough and have been successful enough to possibly be thought of as overrated.


Two of them just won their division and have undefeated seasons to their credit, so no one is going to make themselves look foolish by pinning an overrated label on them even though it might apply. Then you have Nutt. For some reason everyone loves him and even considered him a serious option for high-profile jobs at Nebraska and LSU. I just don’t see it. So unless you don’t buy into the Cult of Nutt™, Richt is pretty much the only coach left.

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